salmon trout

美 [ˈsæmən traʊt]英 [ˈsæmən traʊt]
  • 一种似鲑的鳟鱼
salmon troutsalmon trout


speckled trout of European rivers;introduced in North America
Synonym: brown trout Salmo trutta
large fork-tailed trout of lakes of Canada and the northern United States
Synonym: lake trout Salvelinus namaycush
flesh of marine trout that migrate from salt to fresh water
Synonym: sea trout


  1. Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution .


  2. Salmon and trout are more sensitive to water quality , making land-based systems more expensive .


  3. The state 's lakes , rivers and ocean waters offer king salmon , trout , giant halibut and much more .


  4. The third son Harvey2 emigrated to Canada , and took up engineering , though he was to return for the First World War and then turn to genteel journalism , becoming editor of the Salmon and Trout Magazine and fishing editor of The Field .


  5. Essential fatty acids ( EFA ) can 't be produced by the body , so we need to include EFA foods in our diet to get our fit , and a great source comes from oily fish like salmon , trout , mackerel and sardines .


  6. Salmon and sea trout use the upper river as a spawning ground .


  7. Salmon , brown trout , char , Pollan and eel all occur naturally and other varieties such as pike , roach and rainbow trout have been introduced from outside .


  8. As a result , health officials recommend fish like sardines , salmon , tilapia and trout that are lower on the food chain and have accumulated less mercury in their tissue .
